Please email us if you have any questions or join our mailing list. You
can do this by clicking
0425835705 -
or email anastasia
0403947836 -
or email irena
Currently we have over 3000
members on our mailing list.
The advantages of being on our list are:
you are notified of upcoming events prior to
general public advertising.
... this means you can quickly and easily reserve top seats
in the house!
you have the opportunity to pick up giveaways,
which we advertise via email.
... simply by responding to our emails, you could win free tickets to
our concerts!
we inform you about underground
cds that we produce for various groups
... this information, is strictly reserved for people on our mailing list
and is not advertised externally (generally a limited edition)
we remind you that there is a
wonderful world of culture and music out there
... in case you forget and get wound up in routine, daily affairs!
How to become a member of our
mailing list?
Simply send us an email at the above address and let us know you
want to join.
How to purchase cds?
All cds listed on this website are available for purchase. To make a purchase
please send a cheque made to Sorelli Promotions P/L on the above address.
When sending a cheque, please write the name of the cd on the back.